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How to Find an Accredited Online Schools

It is important to know if the school you are interested to enroll in is accredited.  For online schools, it is a bit tricky and you have to make certain decisions.

An online school could be operating from anywhere. You could be living in an Asian country and a particular school maybe operating in New Zealand.  You have to know if finishing studies from a school in a different country will be honored within your current country.

If you are planning to migrate to New Zealand and you plan to get a job there, this situation is perfectly okay. But if you are staying, perhaps you need to find an online school that is recognized in your country.

Now finding an online school recognized in your target country is quite simple. Just check with the government's education department. Some list all their accredited schools in their website, so that is one place where you could check. If they don't have a website, you can call them to inquire.

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